Weekend Blog

I'm not sure how it is on most of these Travel Study programs, but our weekends were free to do whatever we wanted. We were also in a different city each weekend, so it was a lot of fun exploring all of these places.

Weekend 1: Amsterdam

I'm an awfully shy person upon first interaction, so I had no idea what to do with my weekend. I hadn't talked to too many people about what they were doing in the weekend, so I wasn't even sure if I'd be accompanied to whatever I decided to do. I thus resolved to do something that I wouldn't normally do in the United States: go to a club or several.

Yes, such a thing exists! I had seen flyers for it in the hostel, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to actually go through with it or not. As it turns out, other people were going, too! I had a lot of fun, but they lied. I definitely remembered all of it, haha.

A bunch of people went to go see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 this weekend, but I haven't even seen Part 1 yet! Let's just assume that Sunday was spent playing Team Fortress 2 and updating my journal, because that's probably what actually happened. My Sundays are uneventful, even abroad.

Weekend 2: Luxembourg

There were a bunch of people who wanted to go hiking, but I didn't go for two reasons. First of all, I've never been much of a person for hiking. Second of all, they were waking up awfully early, and for one reason or another, I was extremely tired. There was apparently a music festival that was happening later that night, so a bunch of us decided to go. During dinner, our huge group decided to split into subgroups so seating would be easier. The subgroup I was with was originally going to sit outside, but it started raining so we went inside. By the time we finished eating, it was POURING. I think half the group decided, "Screw it," and went out to a bunch of clubs instead. I was part of this group.

After a few hours of this, I was too, er...happy to care that it was raining and walked with a bunch of people back to the hostel in the pouring rain. I think at one point, I was thinking about jumping into a canal and swimming. Sunday me was kind of glad that Saturday me didn't do this.

Sunday was spent doing laundry. It would have been a lot faster if the dryer actually worked, though. A bunch of us were just hanging out in the laundry room, but the rest of them eventually went to bed. You know, like rational people. I, on the other hand, decided to stay down there until my clothes dried. What I didn't realize was that they still wouldn't be dry at 1am! D:

On the other hand, I did get to help both people on my trip and some people from Tokyo with the washing machine since the instructions were in German. YAY MY GERMAN HELPED.

Also, in a fit of rage at the Internet not letting me use Steam, I deleted all my Steam games! Now I can't play until I get back to the States! NOO.

Weekend 3: Brussels

I really, really don't like this hostel. The lockout at 10am is already docking several points in my book, but the fact that they keep this policy during the weekend?! I mean, they don't even clean the place!

So we all got kicked out of the hostel at 10am. I hear a bunch of people went to see a museum, but I was way too tired for that sort of thing. Is it sad that Alan and I just sat in the Epic Square for the majority of the time, looking in the map for potential places to sleep? Because that's exactly what we did.

2pm finally came, and we were all allowed back in the hostel. I think a bunch of people just slept, but we all went out later and explored the night scene. It was okay to say the least. The last place was very crowded, so we decided to try and find someplace to eat. Unfortunately, it looks like the only place in Europe that's open at 2am is McDonald's. On the plus side, we happened to visit the first McDonald's that was established in Brussels, so that was pretty cool. :D

Sunday was kind of a repeat of Saturday. One of the people in our group was telling us about a really cool club that was a bit farther away than most of the other places. I think a lot of us got lost, though, so we just turned back.

Weekend 4: Oostende

I think this might have easily been one of the crazier weekends abroad. At some point of the day on Saturday, I looked out the window to see almost all of the guys on the trip on this weird bike, yelling at me to come down and be the seventh person. A seven person bike? Sure, why not?

It was ridiculously fun. We parked it near a statue, went around a roundabout, and even held up some traffic by going through the street. To top it all off, we were even yelled at by some of the locals when we got stuck in a sidewalk. I guess they take a lot of pride in it, considering it's their only Conference Bike. And who wouldn't be proud of this thing? It's freakin' awesome!

On Sunday, I went to Bruges with Alan. We did the boat tour, which was really cool, but honestly? Not as romantic as everyone makes it out to be. It's just a boat tour, you guys. Also, there were bugs. So many bugs. I guess it finally got warm enough for them to start hatching. It was disgusting. D:

People went out later that night to find a club that has been advertised around Oostende for a while. It was okay at best, but the night ended with all of us hanging out around the beach. It was a good way to end the weekend.